Why Size Matters When Choosing Tumbling Media

Size is everything when choosing the right turning medium for a cleaning job. Ultimately, it will have an impact on the overall quality of the cleaning process. But the size of the parts is also important. In general, the media must be able to clean all surfaces of the parts without housing. So, the trick to achieve the best results is to carefully mix the pieces with the correct size media.

However, making that decision may seem like an easy task. In other words, problems may arise when the size of the media and the parties do not match.

Media Size

It is easy to choose the wrong media size when cleaning certain parts. If that happens, the parts could be damaged or the cleaning work will not be successful.

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In general, larger media are good for quick deburring or finishing. On the other hand, smaller media will take longer to complete thecleaning work.

Different sizes of flip media

In addition to that, the results of the cleaning or polishing work will differ according to the size of the media. Larger media can damage fragile parts, while smaller media cannot. Similarly, larger media will leave rough marks, while smaller media will have a softer impact.

Sometimes, it is okay to mix media of different sizes to get the best results if only one size is ineffective. That is especially true when using steel means to clean metal parts.


Problems with accommodation are common when it comes to turning means. Typically, these problems occur when media gets stuck in parts that have holes or grooves. In other words, housing problems will surely happen when smaller means are used to clean large parts.

prevent media lodging in parts

As a general rule, the media must be larger than any hole or space in one part. To prevent two pieces from being trapped in an opening, it is better to use media that are at least 70% larger. For example, the angled cutting cylinder means will easily pass through the holes.

The trick is to carefully choose the means that will do the job but will not be hosted in parts.

Use and throw

Constant friction corrodes the turning means. In other words, the media reduce their size due to use for a prolonged period of time. But the speed at which that will happen will depend on the media material. For example, organic media will be reduced in size faster than ceramic media due to wear.
However, means that are gradually reduced can also cause housing problems. Therefore, it is important to keep that aspect in mind as well, as it is easy to ignore.

Parts screening

If the media and parts are similar in size, it can be difficult to separate them after cleaning. In general, the means should be smaller than the parts, but not too small to avoid accommodation. The easiest way to separate parts of the media is to use a screen or a media separator. In some cases, magnets will also do the trick.
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