Stainless Steel Tumbling Media

Effects of Ball Burnishing Process with Stainless Steel Media

Expectations about manufacturing industries have increased in recent years. Different mechanical processes such as turning, milling, etc. they lead to surfaces with inherent irregularities. Therefore, manufacturing industries face the responsibility of finding improved finishing operations that nullify these effects and improve other properties in these materials.

Surface plastic deformation processes were created to solve these impediments. This process does not involve the removal of material, but rather deforms the surface plastically under compression load. Therefore, it is said that the surface of the component under this external load is subjected to cold work.
Image result for Stainless Steel Media

Burnishing is one of those techniques of surface plastic deformation. It has been around for a long time and has continued to gain general acceptance in today's manufacturing industry.

1. What is burnishing?

Burnishing is a process of surface modification through which smooth surface finishes are achieved. This is possible by planetary rotation of a tool on a turned surface board. In general, burnishing is a cold work process that softens, removes discoloration and polishes a metal surface in a glossy finish that is almost as good as new.

This specifically points to the peaks and valleys contained in all machines or other processed metal surfaces. The burnishing tool is applied with a calculated amount of force. This force drives the materials that until now were at the top to flow into the valleys. This effect will be a reduction in the height of the peak, as well as in the depth of the valley.

This method was first developed in the United States in the 1930s. The burnish was applied in an attempt to impart residual integral tension to layers of various metal parts, specifically the railroad, the automobile axle and the machinery axes. Over the years, it became widely accepted and has found applications in almost every industry in the world.

2. Types of burnishing

This process can be classified into different types according to the type of tool used, the geometry of the pieces in which it works, etc.

Taking into account the geometry of the tools used, the burnishing is further classified into two groups: ball burnishing and roller polishing. However, for the purpose of this article, we will consider ball burnishing, its definition, advantages and application in various industries and businesses in the world today.
Ball polishing: in this type of polishing, one or more spherical balls are supported on the rod by the hydraulic pressure of a fluid, a spring or the relative force of the workpiece. The ball is constantly in contact with the workpiece by means of fluid that circulates through a hydraulic pump. As the tool feeds along the workpiece, the ball is pressed against it, resulting in a burnishing operation.
Depending on the desired effect, the strength of the burnish can be controlled by varying the hydraulic pressure of the fluid.

3. Advantages of ball burnishing

  • This process allows to produce pieces with a high control over the dimension and allowing very precise sizes.
  • Produces a very smooth surface finish
  • It saves costs and is more economical compared to other polishing processes
  • Creates improvements in physical properties and increases the life of the components.

4. Benefits of ball burnishing with stainless steel media

Stainless steel media is particularly popular in surface finishing due to its superior characteristics. This has led him to become the most preferred and widely accepted in industries around the world.
Below are some inherent characteristics that make stainless steel media the most commonly used today:
  • Greater surface pressure and longer media life
  • Shortest Finnish Time
  • Improves the pre-plate finish
  • Reduces porosity in plated parts
  • Economic

4.1 Higher surface pressure and longer media life

If used under appropriate conditions, this medium can last a long time. Obviously, this is because it is not a worn out means of communication. It has a high hardness due to its composition of relatively resistant materials. This feature is excellent for various vibratory flipping applications.

In addition, there is a minimum generation of solid waste during this process. Steel that is a non-consumable medium is not used throughout the operation.

4.2 Shortest Finnish time

Stainless steel turning means are comparatively heavier than other materials used for this process. This substantial weight exerts greater pressure on a mass of components in the vibratory, barrel and flipping finishing equipment. The high surface contact achieved through increased pressure and resistance of the steel means works effectively to shorten the operating time.

4.3 Improves the pre-place finish

The parts that seem smooth are characterized by micro imperfections that cause coating problems. Due to the weight of the steel means, these small irregularities flatten, preparing a surface for a more satisfactory coating.

4.4 Reduces porosity in plated parts

When the plated parts are finished with steel turning means, a compacting action acts downward and extends across the entire surface of the softer plate to fill any "pinhead" hole. This eliminates porosity and causes an increase in corrosion resistance created by the coating process.

4.5 Profitable

The durability of stainless steel media is considered a capital advantage. The finish made with this medium generally lasts longer. The use of stainless steel shots versus plain steel means eliminates the need for rust inhibitors.

5. Success stories in the application of stainless steel burnishing

The burnishing of brass components has become an economical solution to repair the nicks, scrapes and scratches developed by manufacturing. Companies and companies continue to look for better ways to maximize profits and reduce costs. Therefore, they have resorted to polishing as a means through which they can, among other advantages, avoid wear, improve gloss and extend the life of parts and components of the machine.

a) Brass mounting parts

The brass adjustment parts before the ball polishing surface are opaque and dark. With the polishing of balls in stainless steel balls, the surface shines and is cleaned. This product is ready to deliver to the market.

c) Brass stamping parts

  • The left parts below are brass parts before ball polishing, and the right part is after ball polishing. After the turning process, the burrs in the drill hole are flattened. The dirt and oxidation layer is also removed.
  • These are some results of the application of stainless steel polishing processes.
  • Commercial polishing systems have proven useful in extending the shelf life of restaurant businesses.
  • Restoration of beauty and brightness in parts and components used in the automotive industry.
  • Improvement in parts used in aeronautical industries.
  • Repair and restore cutlery and crockery
  • Repair and restore metal plates and a large number of other applications.

6. Conclusion

In this article, we discuss the concept of burnishing and two types of burnishing techniques, which include ball polishing and roller polishing. In mass finishing, we focus on ball burnishing and its advantages. Stainless steel turning means are the most used means in the ball polishing process. 

Later, we list 5 benefits for the process. Finally, we give an example of how the ball polishing process improves the surface conditions of the metal parts.

If you have any questions or need help finishing the surface of the parts, do not hesitate to contact us or simply send an email.

Glass Bead Media

Foxindustries Viscous Materials

The viscosity of its material will influence the effectiveness of its Foxindustries. Generally, the higher the viscosity, the lower the Foxindustries efficiency. Viscosity ratings for your Foxindustries are often given in centipoise (cP) or millipascal-second (mPas; 1 cP = 1 mPas). The ratings may vary from 1000 cP for simple hand-rotor-stator Foxindustries to 10,000 cP for high-power table models. To quickly estimate the viscosity of your sample, you can compare it with the known viscosity of the common materials shown in the following scheme and see how it compares with the viscosity classification of your Foxindustries.

Image result for Viscous Materials ball mill media

The effect of viscous materials on Foxindustries depends on the type of Foxindustries used, but it is generally true that the higher the output power, the better the mixture of more viscous materials. For probe-based Foxindustries (ultrasonic or rotor stator), the volume that can be processed efficiently decreases significantly (up to an order of magnitude) with increasing viscosity. Mixing cycles should also be kept as short as possible (3 minutes maximum) to avoid overheating the engine.

Generally, the effectiveness of rotor-stator Foxindustries decays rapidly with increasing viscosity. 10000 cP is usually the maximum processable viscosity with rotor-stator Foxindustries. To improve the mixture of viscous samples, separate probe heads can be used. For example, PRO scientific baffle heads are specially designed to improve the Foxindustries of higher viscosity materials. It is advisable to move the rotor-stator as much as possible so that all areas of viscous materials are mixed.
Ultrasonic Foxindustries are somewhat less affected by the viscosity of their material. They are based on pressure waves that create bubbles. The collapse of these bubbles creates energy that disrupts the material and allows mixing. Materials with higher viscosity move less easily than more watery ones and, therefore, exert pressure on the bubbles, which makes the mixture more efficient. This, however, only works up to a certain viscosity. If your material becomes too viscous, it cannot be processed effectively. A good rule of thumb is that "if you can't pour it, you can't sonicate it."

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Ball mill Foxindustries are much less suitable for viscous materials, since they use beads to Foxindustries the material. If the accounts cannot pass freely through the material, they cannot Foxindustries it.

High pressure Foxindustries use high pressure to force your sample through small slits. In order for them to work properly, your sample must be fluid enough to be effectively pumped.

There are some vision tricks to overcome some of the difficulties in Foxindustries viscous samples and processing highly viscous materials without significantly diminishing the effectiveness of their Foxindustries. The viscosity of a material decreases with increasing temperature. Therefore, performing Foxindustries at higher temperatures will generally provide better mixing results. It is important to check the decomposition temperature of your material before Foxindustries it at higher temperatures so that it does not destroy your sample. Another way to decrease the viscosity of your material is by adding surfactant and emulsifiers. These can break the internal resistance and allow the material to move more freely and, therefore, become less viscous.

No matter what type of Foxindustries you use, mixing viscous materials will always be more difficult than mixing aqueous mixtures. You can realize this by processing smaller batches of material and, for handheld devices, by moving the mixing head more rigorously to improve Foxindustries. 

Alternatively, you can increase the processing temperature or add surfactants and emulsifiers to your sample to decrease its viscosity.

Bead Mill

Bead Selection for Bead Mill Foxindustries

If you have purchased a bead mill Foxindustries, you may have seen a chart that shows what material and account size should be used for a variety of different samples. In practice, the proper selection of accounts is more multifactorial than can be effectively expressed with a graph that considers the type of sample being processed.

Image result for Bead Mill

Foxindustries Bead Selection:

When selecting an account to use in your homogenization, there are a number of factors to consider:
Sample size / "particle size". For our purposes, a "particle" is any solid mass, it could be a piece of a mineral or a piece of tissue. The larger the particle size, the more momentum will be needed to break it. That requires larger and / or denser accounts.

Resistance of the sample material. The more resistant the tissue, the more momentum will be needed to penetrate it. Therefore, you will need larger and / or denser beads for harder samples.

Desired particle size. While large beads are better for breaking tissue, smaller beads, which are generally present in a much larger number than large beads, create many more collisions and break down particles into smaller sizes. Small beads are preferred if you want to lyse cells and organelles more efficiently, for example. The opposite would be true if you wanted to keep the organelles intact, or if you wanted to recover some viable cells. Just keep in mind that small beads won't help if they can't alter the coarse structure of the particles. In situations involving large and resistant samples where small particle sizes are desired, you can get the best results from a mixture of large and small beads.
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Elasticity of the sample material. Highly elastic or rubbery samples are often not homogenized efficiently by round beads, even if they are large and dense, since the beads will simply bounce. Instead, elastic samples may require cutting rather than hitting. Beads that have irregular edges or shapes, or a sharp material such as garnet are more appropriate.

Application / analyte Not all account materials are suitable for all applications. For example, DNA adheres to glass and, therefore, glass beads should be avoided when DNA extraction is required. If you are processing RNA, you may want to use beads that have been pretreated to be free of RNAse. You must also ensure that the cord material is compatible with the reagents used in the foxindustries mixture.

Image result for Bead Mill

The size of the tube / container. This is often not a concern, but it is possible to use beads that are too large for the tube in which it is being homogenized. If an account does not seem to have much room to shake, it is probably too large. For standard 1.5 / 2.0 ml tubes the size of a microtube, that generally means that you should keep the cord size below 4 mm, but there are some special exceptions, such as the use of a large cord with smaller sharp particles to break the elastic fabric.
Foxindustries Bead FAQ:

Can I reuse accounts?

It depends on the grain material. Accounts that are prone to cracking or breaking, such as garnet or glass fragments, should not be reused or reused once at most. The toughest beads, such as zirconium or steel, can be reused. However, in most cases, collecting, washing, sterilizing and reusing accounts is not worth the time and effort. Bulk accounts are usually very cheap.

However, DO NOT reuse the tubes. Over time, the tubes can be structurally compromised due to the many high-speed impacts of the beads inside the tube. Nothing is worse than blowing up a tube inside your Foxindustries.

Can I use accounts from a different manufacturer in my Foxindustries?

Absolutely. The Foxindustries does not know which accounts are being used. You can use accounts from any manufacturer in any Foxindustries, provided they are suitable for the container in which you are homogenizing.

Can I use preloaded account kits from a different manufacturer in my Foxindustries?

Sometimes. Many bead mills use special or patented tubes. For example, Bullet Blenders are only designed to work with specific types of tubes, and the use of a different tube can cause breakage or poor homogenization. Some high-power ball mills, such as Precellys Evolution, have special reinforced tubes that are designed to withstand the impact of the beads. Others, such as BeadBug, announce that their kits are compatible with other devices. In general, the differences in the price of the kits are not huge, so we recommend continuing with the manufacturer of your Foxindustries. If you try other kits, do a dry test to make sure there is no problem with the tubes before adding a sample.

TRIzol / TRI reagent discolors when exposed to stable steel beads for long periods of time. It's okay? Will it affect the quality of my RNA?

As far as we can tell, the consensus is that the discoloration of the TRIzol / TRI reagent is only discoloration; It does not affect reagent performance or affect RNA quality.

Catalyst Bed Support Balls

Grinding Balls and Other Grinding Media: Key consumables

Reducing consumable costs is important for all mining operations, but not at the expense of quality. Grinding media represent low fruit for most miners. Very often, the grinding media in question are grinding balls. In some medium-sized mines, milling means represent approximately 10% of total mining operating expenses (OPEX) and significant savings can be achieved.

Selecting the best quality grinding media balls is considered a key step to reduce mining costs. This publication discusses grinding balls and quality control procedures that can be used to select the best grinding balls for particular applications.

Comminution processes require a lot of energy and are inefficient. Some figures suggest that the comminution is responsible for 1% of world energy consumption. As a result, it is important to maximize performance for a given grinding task. Comminution costs include electricity, grinding balls and coatings. Choosing the best quality grinding media improves comminution efficiency.
Grinding balls make up the bulk of consumable costs. They can represent 40% - 45% of the total cost and directly affect the efficiency and wear of a factory. The loading of the ball consists of grinding balls of various sizes and different qualities of material. Balls of grinding media of poor quality have a negative impact on the entire grinding system. Balls of low quality grinding media are consumed faster, are ground inefficiently and use more electricity.


  • Steel ball grinding media are used to extract precious metals in mineral mineral processing. They are most commonly used in the copper and gold industries.
  • The ore particles must go through the process of communion: grinding -> fine grinding -> ultrafine grinding. They are milled to release precious metals from the materials of the bargain before the concentration processes.
  • Grinding or communion is done in mills. The mills are partially filled with steel grinding balls or rods, commonly known as 'grinding media'.
  • The mills must be continuously filled with new grinding balls as the old ones wear out.
  • The choice and consumption of grinding media are mainly related to the volume and characteristics of the mineral (abrasiveness, particle size and specific energy input).


Tower mills: 0.5 "-1.5" grinding balls are recommended. The normal top size of the media used is 10-25 mm, but even smaller grinding balls can be used for very fine grinding.

Isa Mills: <0.1 "grinding balls are recommended. Isa Mill is more efficient when using small media (i.e. high chromium steel balls).

Rotary mills: small cylinders (<1 ") are effective in ultrafine wet milling operations.

SAG mills: 4 "-6" forged steel balls are recommended. Casting balls are not a good choice. Its outer crust is hard (typical Brinell hardness> 450). Molten grinding balls cannot withstand the high impact of the crushing forces of the SAG mill. They are recommended for cement grinding and ultra fine wet grinding operations.

Ball mills: 1 "-4" grinding balls are recommended.


You should always try grinding media balls from a new source or supplier. This generally requires testing batches of pilot-scale grinding balls in an industrial mill using the marked ball test. Compare your wear rates with those of your current supplier. For the final evaluation, you may want to perform full load performance tests on one or more milling circuits for a few months.

The factors used to determine the operational use of the quality of the grinding ball include:

  • Friction forces between coatings and balls.
  • Abrasivity of the feeding material.
  • Impact forces in the mill.
  • Susceptibility to corrosion, especially in wet processes.

Steel Tumbling Media, catalyst balls, forged steel grinding balls, forged steel balls, ceramic grinding media suppliers, Steel Tumbling Media, zirconium silicate beads, catalyst bed support balls, grinding balls, milling media, shot peening media, grinding media, stainless steel tumbling media, steel tumbling media, alumina grinding balls, zirconium oxide beads, carbon steel balls, chrome steel balls, stainless steel media, stainless media, zirconium beads, alumina ball, bead media, glass bead media, catalyst media, stainless steel balls

Simulations show that in some cases:

The use of forged steel balls, compared to low density cast steel balls, increases the yield by 2% -4%.
Specific energy consumption is reduced by up to 3.5% (with constant feed / product size).
Forged steel grinding balls achieve considerably better results when tested against other grid media, such as cylpebs, boulpebs or high chromium balls, taking into account the calculation of the total cost of the grinding process.

SAG Mills performance studies show that low quality cast iron grinding balls with porosity result in the production of a significant excess of steel droppings at the SAG factory. If your milling operation is using this type of grinding balls, consider switching to higher quality balls. They offer more economic viability.

Worn balls can be a source of iron, especially if the wear rate is too high. This could lead to the formation of iron sulfides, which can affect subsequent metallurgical processes. Reduced wear rates are essential.

Steel Tumbling Media

Polishing Jewelry or Small Parts with Jewelry Mix

Want to know how to remove scratches and burrs from used, used and new jewelry? Try using a mix of stainless steel jewelry. The mix of stainless steel jewelry is, in short, a means of polishing, but its main purpose is to polish and harden the jewelry. Made in the USA, This jewelry mix is ​​widely used in jewelry and silverware polishing markets. In addition, this medium works exceptionally well with small stamped parts and screw machine parts.

What is the jewelry mix?

The stainless steel jewelry mix is ​​a polishing medium that is a combination of several different forms of stainless steel that offer high corrosion resistance, fast action and durability. This jewelry combination is a standard tool used by many jewelers to eradicate the marks, scratches, burrs and pliers of most soft metal jewels (i.e. gold, copper and silver, etc.). The most important thing is that the jewelry mix works perfectly when used in a rotating barrel or in a vibrating machine.
The composition of the jewelry mix is a combination of 40% 5/32 Eclipse, 40% 1/8 "Diagonal and 20% 1/16" x ½ "Steel Pin. When used together, these shapes are designed to fit to any piece of jewelry.


To understand how the jewelry polishing process works, it is essential to understand the different forms of media involved in the process. Each form of medium for mixing stainless steel jewelry is specifically designed to complement any part of a piece of jewelry. When performing a separate but essential task in the polishing process. With each piece combined in a rotating or vibrating machine, the act of polishing a product becomes an effortless process.

Eclipse. The 5/32 ”Eclipse shape is a ball with two flat ends on each side of its poles. The round shape of the eclipse helps create a smooth polish and is widely used among most burnishing applications. Despite its irregular shape, this polishing tool works just as well as a round dial, however, the costs to produce the item are significantly reduced. The price reduction is due to the decrease in the necessary processes necessary for the production of the media. These flat ends are safe for any product.

Diagonal. The diagonal shape is an ideal way to reach the corners of the objects, while its cylindrical shape is designed to cover a wide area.

Legs. Due to its conical ends and its elongated body shape. Pin-shaped means are ideal for reaching grooves, holes and gaps that are difficult to reach. As a result, the pins are suitable for intricate pieces of jewelry.

How does it work?

When used in conjunction with small rotating and vibrating vessels, the stainless steel jewelry mix works by repeatedly contacting the jewelry to give it a shiny and polished look while smoothing annoying burrs on the metal. The unique mix of shapes allows cleaning and polishing complex designs and even chains. This effect is called burnishing.

Steel Tumbling Media, catalyst balls, forged steel grinding balls, forged steel balls, ceramic grinding media suppliers, Steel Tumbling Media, zirconium silicate beads, catalyst bed support balls, grinding balls, milling media, shot peening media, grinding media, stainless steel tumbling media, steel tumbling media, alumina grinding balls, zirconium oxide beads, carbon steel balls, chrome steel balls, stainless steel media, stainless media, zirconium beads, alumina ball, bead media, glass bead media, catalyst media, stainless steel balls

1 Ball Bearing, 7 Pieces, 2 Billion Varieties

At first glance, the design of a ball bearing is clear: an inner ring is mounted with an outer ring, the appropriate balls and retainer. T...